My Love Language? Gifts of food.

My Love Language? Gifts of food.

When you hear big news in your circle of friends, what’s your first instinct? Me, I bake.

Calling feels like I am dialing into the drama. Sending a card feels so formal. My reserved Irish Catholic upbringing leaves me a stammering mess with spoken words of comfort. But, my heart is already planning how to stealthily drop a baked good on your door step or coordinate a casserole brigade for weeks to come. My husband says my love language is “gifts of food”.

I’ve been on the receiving end of this powerful kind of love as well. After adopting our littlest one, we travelled home exhausted and elated to find a calendar filled with months of dinners to be delivered by neighbors and friends.

As we cocooned around our newest family member, doing our best to soften the edges of another giant transition in his young life, that dinnertime doorbell came to mean comfort food, stolen moments of girlfriend talk and a gentle way to introduce him one-by-one to our nearest and dearest. Those meals both humbled and refueled me.

Whether you’ve been on the making or receiving end of a gift of “home-cooked love”, you know just how nourishing it can be to both the body and spirit of someone in a season of need.

That’s why Dinner Elf designed our meal pages as an easy group gifting tool. Maybe you:

  • live too far away to bring a casserole over, or
  • can’t fit a baking session into your busy week ahead, or
  • you want to help a co-worker without intruding on their privacy at home.

In any situation, I’m proud to help extend the ability for more people to send home-cooked love.

Know a new mom, or someone recovering from an illness or injury, who could use some home cooked love? Learn more about our group gifts here:

Nicole Vickey is co-founder of Dinner Elf, a company that helps busy families sit down to home-cooked dinners.